CrazyTalk Animator 3
Issue 3661
You need better help files and training material
I am a complete newbie to CTA and Reallusion products and so far I find it annoying that it is very difficult to find information on basic functionality.

For one thing the official help file seems to be only for the pipeline version. How will I know whether something in it does not apply to my non-pipeline version, besides trial and error?

Another example is simple things such as how to record a street scene that first pans from left to right and then zooms into a particular house.

I know how to enable the recording mode and to use the Camera Pan, Camera Zoom, and the Camera Rotate buttons to enable specific movements.

But how do I get the application to start recording? Do I need to press the space bar to start the recording and while it is doing that, use the pan and zoom buttons as needed?

Some of your YouTube videos mentioned adding key frames but did not really show how that relates to anything else. Why would I need to add key frames if the application can record my camera movements directly?

This the sort of information I do not see spelled out anywhere. What I think what you need is some kind of recipes-book for your products. Something that answers questions in the "How do I..." format and has the answers labelled for the pipeline and not-pipeline versions.
OS: Windows 7
  •  1
  •  1255
Submitted byronnie_06
Veo tutoriales que YouTube que CrazyTalk  está en español y tienen más opciones, por ejemplo en el 3D tiene 6 maneras de a aplicar la textura y el mío solo 3 maneras, pienso que compre el paquete superior.
  • modo 6 texturas.jpg
  • el mio solo 3 texturas.jpg