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Sorry for my english, i am not a native speaker / writer :) Several Bugs on a Macbook Pro Retina (10.11.6): If i change the desktop while working in Crazy Talk, the program crashes always!!...More
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2016/09/28 22:55:04
Since I purchased these two accessories for my CT8 Pipeline for MAc. My CT* keeps crashing. I reported it and it was suggested to install, delete, install, etc. I tried this, I also tried re-installing CT8 and all of the resource packs, still it crashes. I have custom avatars that I have been...More
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2016/09/28 15:12:14
1. Start CrazyTalk 8.1 2. Load a Character e.g. Stylized Avatars or Default Characters or from Bonus Pack 3. Apply clothes etc....More
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2016/09/20 17:54:41
STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Launch CrazyTalk 8 2. Apply a random embed project (e.g. 02_Style Change)...More
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Feedback Tracker Admin
2016/09/07 02:46:56
STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Launch CrazyTalk 8 2. Apply embed actor JP...More
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Feedback Tracker Admin
2016/09/05 09:03:19
STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Launch CrazyTalk 8 2. Apply a random embed actor (e.g. Reggie)...More
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Feedback Tracker Admin
2016/09/05 09:03:19
STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Launch CrazyTalk 8 2. Apply a random embed actor (e.g. Alberto)...More
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Feedback Tracker Admin
2016/09/05 09:03:19
STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Launch CrazyTalk 8 2. Apply a random embed actor (e.g. Alberto)...More
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Feedback Tracker Admin
2016/09/05 09:03:19
STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Launch CrazyTalk 8 2. Apply a random embed actor (e.g. Alberto)...More
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Feedback Tracker Admin
2016/09/05 09:03:19
STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Launch CrazyTalk 8 2. Apply embed project 02 Style Change...More
Submitted by
Feedback Tracker Admin
2016/09/05 09:03:19
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