As a mac user, I'm grateful to have found a program like this. However, on a mac, Crazy Talk is a standalone program, with no ability to enter its workings in order to make modifications. Windows users have both iClone and CC3 to work with, which gives them more modding power. My wish is that...More
- AI voice clone/editing software with similar functionality to the unreleased Adobe Voco: Sean Connery seems to have made a debut on the recent reallusion tutorials on youtube. The result of such new software in the works....More
Unfortunately, I can not export my works as usual from Crazy Talk 8.13. The background gets dark when I click Export / Video Image and the usual window of the export functions does not open. My e-mail address is Request for a quick answer...More
Recently bought the crazy talk pipeline and the output far below expectation. When working on the crazy app, the character almost resembles the photo, once exported to Iclone and apply to CC1 character, there is no similarity with the face created on Crazy talk. Please advise why this is happening...More
Hi, Don’t know if you can help me but I am sitting here working on our scholarship fundraising event for this year while sitting out this slow-moving hurricane here in FL. I have been giving some small classes on your software and was wondering if Reallusion would like to provide any of its...More
CC3 iAvatar cannot be loaded in crazytalk. :( this is very annoying. Note: My workflow want to be cc3 iAvatar -> crazytalk 8 to create tts, rlTalk etc. I know I can go back to cc1 then do it but that's out cause I only use cc3 toons to game ready character. Having the same character in cc1...More
When I record audio on a different app with a professional microphone it is loud and clear. In Crazy Talk the audio is 50% as loud (either via audio import as well as direct recording in app) with sound controls turned up to max. Please fix this bug. I need the voice to be loud and crisp for...More