I am using the pipeline edition of character creator 3 but after the update to 3.01 I get the message "Pipeline Edition is required for OBJ export function. Please click Buy to upgrade to the Pipeline Edition" when trying to export as obj (or as fbx). With the version 3.00 I had no problems...More
iClone desperately needs a facial hair solution, mustaches and beards will not work well with visemes. The upper lip cannot be made to work with morphs, and the lower jaw and corners of the beard are not well controlled either. Ideally, a next gen solution like Nvidia Hairworks could be implemented...More
I tried to use transformer in Character creator 3 to import Iclone 6 character to CC3 (had earlier used to export through 3dexchange to fbx format) But got following message:character creator supports cc characters only. Isnt for example g5 charcter Chuck an cc character?...More
Almost all of my purchased content from CC2 Piperline are not showing in CC3 Pipeline. Morph sliders do show up, but not Clothing, Hair, Accessories, Etc....More
I purchased all my reallusion software under shephardangela15@gmail.com. I opened a prime membership, etc. under makethatmoney12@gmail.com. I need help. Angela Shephard...More
After I changed my membership criteria from "free" to "prime as directed, I didn't have issues using the software, which I fully paid for. I run a 3060TI RTX graphics card; spec wise would allow me more freedom to create stuff as opposed to the 1060 card that teased the crap out of me. Having...More
Hi. There is an issue with the characters, their right shoulder is showing a serious stretch even without any cloth attached. Please view the included picture. Please help me fixing this issue because it was annoying me for months....More
I'm a new user of Character Creator 3, I encountered a serious problem when Importing my marvelous designer work into Character Creator 3, the belt and outline of my garment disappeared in Character Creator, but they look perfect in my marvelous designer, Plz see the attached files, thank you...More
Original Question I was following the RealIlusions tutorial on exporting CC3 Character to Blender and rigging it with auto rig pro. But you can rig the character because the character's feet don't import on the ground plane the bone does with the character above it. Auto rig pro only works...More