If you try to scrub back and forth in the calibration animation while it's playing, it creates a wireframe model from the frame you scrubbed to, which doesn't go away untill you pause and play again. This does not happen if the animation is paused when you scrub....More
Using Transformer, imported Daz Genesis 3 will have pop-out with eyes when panned hard L-R. Thought is that you could move the eyeballs back with the Eyeball Forward-Back Morph in CC3 once transformed. However, possible that pivot point is incorrect, leading to the pop -out?...More
It appears that the entire "Essential Clothing Pack" textures come with fake shadows, between the legs. Shadows baked on the original cloths textures. This not only looks fake, it looks like the characters are wearing dirty cloths. Please update this pack with textures, with no shadows....More
The exported CC3.02 character feets are misplaced, after import to UE 4.20.3. Example: See attached image TaskForce_C General: To setup CC3 imports in UE, basically set retargeting options inside the Skeleton Tree for the following bones, per...More
I am unable to use CC3 because within a few minutes of loading anything, including default-only content, I get the "Session Freeze..." dialog and have to shut down CC3. I have done all the usual steps -- updating to latest NVidia drivers, restarting CC3, rebooting my computer -- to no avail...More
Just installed CC3 3.01, tried it on 2 computers, same behavior - launches with default project, prompt for sign in (doesn't matter if I try to sign in or not - which btw, always fails if I try to sign in, also reallusion hub always says fails to connect to internet eventhough not true), then...More
Alot of the hotspots on the code side of the program are messed up when trying to click buttons you have hover your mouse far above what you wanna click to click it. Mainly occurs in the edit mesh when doing skin weights manually or painting them. Check the links https://youtu.be/qWEbx4iOp0M...More