CTA5 is not yet running on my WIN7 bcause of Menu Issues, but a nice feature i can imagine of, could be a CTA5 to Iclone bridge where the facial Webcam Mocap also can be used with Iclone....More
Hello. I am carrying out some animations in CTAv5.02. I was wondering if there is any way to adjust the character proportions so the legs, arms, etc. better match the motion capture. In image 1, below the green arrow shows how the legs are bowed inward for the 2D character, but the 3D dummy...More
It would be ideal if the Liveface data could be captured in IC8 and then retargeted/streamed into CTA5 perhaps via Motion Link as well. You can think of IC8 as the primary mocap center in 3D then the user can use all the great tools from IC8 to retarget the 3d data to 2d CTA, similar to what...More
Il 16/2. ho acquistato il Vostro software Cartoon Animator 5 e lo ho installato, Purtroppo durante l’installazione ho spento il computer perché dovevo uscire. Rientrato ho scoperto che tutti i files delle sezioni ITEM e PACK della TEMPLATE non erano stati trasferiti. Per cercare di rimediare...More
I've had issues with my project not being utilize to use The Rokoko data that I'm sending to CA5. Specifically, I've created characters that are not facing straight on or side view. For mocap the side view (such as walking) animations work fine. Walking towards the camera is a bit iffy,...More
"Hola chochera, escribo porque esta vaina no se entiende, y creo que no soy el único latino que no manya todo lo que en lenguaje anglo ustedes dicen, ¡Algún día entenderán que somos más hispano hablantes que angloparlantes?" Hi, if you understand this phrase, i apologize you, if not,...More