Hi ,I can load up my character ,custom or Reallusions ,I next open Live Face 2D ,click the iPhone gear icon and I'm able to connect the actor on screen ,I can preview everything fine but every time I hit record ,it says "press space bar key to record "when I do CTA4 crashes and closes everytime...More
I found when I add actions to the face. the actions overwrites the voice clip and in effect removed the mouth animations, I don't see why this should happen, the fix was to either go through and manually delete the overwrite on the voice clip or re-apply the voice to re-establish the mouth...More
We need more tools that address the speed and efficiency of original character setup & rigging. We all want to spend less time rigging and more time animating and creating....More
I was hoping I could use my latest purchases to complete a project I had in mind. I missed out on trying the 3D motion Spunky offer back in Jan because I read the email too late. If I had I would of had some time to try and figure out how the new 3D motions work. Once again I had grand ideas...More
I am testing out this dog head but I need help figuring out how to change the bone points on different head angles other than the front,I can use the Bone Editor to adjust the points only in the front view. I can send the project file Thanks Tim...More
AE tutorial doesnt work for me. I have followed the tutorial for hours but still get no results. think i will just give it a miss, very frustrating. regards vicki...More
Tried to install Cartoon Animator 4.01 by double-clicking the installer All I got was the "User Account Control" blue bar dialog box. When I clicked "YES", nothing happens. I have run the RL System Collector and have attached the "LATEST RL_FBT_UserSystemInfo_Windows.zip" file for review...More
I use 720p (1280x720) frame size a lot. Unfortunately the only way to set frame size is through Render window for each project. Often times when I start a new project I forget to set the frame size until the project is ready to render and then changing frame size messes up the entire scene...More
Cartoon Animator is a very potent tool. You can create some nice animations with it. However when it comes to exporting, exchanging and re-using animations it is still somehow limited. There is a new open format which has made its way into Telegram chat clients for animated stickers. It's...More
I wonder why mirror function in 360 head editor seems to rarely create a perfect mirror image and often comes up messed up in one way or another. I tried many times and not once was able to get a perfect mirror image; always some facial features come out out of alignment or misplaced. It's...More