Hello, I was testing for the first time, to draw some new eyes on animate cc for the template character but when i import it on cartoon animator the eyes dont import at all. Only the hair imported. Please have a look at the screenshots....More
i could find a work around but there's a bug where the head turns upside down after i do that if i could get it fixed it would be great the shadow on the torso doesnt move with the head in my imagining just tryin to help you guys you have great software already but i wish you guys dont...More
Bonjour, Je suis en train d’essayer de créer un personnage G3 dans cartoon animation 4 version 4.1 sur IMac avec une image inporté de Photoshop en png. Je n’arive Pas à importer les sprites sur mon personnage G3 de profil pourtant je sélectionne bien la case keep parent mais mon sprite arrive...More
I'm using t Affinity Photo to 'pipeline' to and from. I'm finding that when I do this , say to alter the colour of the 'hip clothes', when I save and go back into CA the hip has changed as expected but i've lost the eye and mouth sprites? The only change to the pipelined file in Affinity Photo...More