Having an issue with Cartoon Animator 4 Pipeline with Motion plugin installed, crashing midway through a project. It crashes every time, and I've resorted to saving the project after each new keyframe/motion to keep from losing my project in it's entirety. It starts crashing after 1000 frames...More
We still can't re-name image layers in the scene manager, same as we can for anything else. Please refer to previous bug (Issue #4008) from August 1st 2018 - which still does not work in CA4, even though it has been assigned to be fixed all this time. It doesn't work in either Windows 8...More
The program crashes as soon as it starts, impossible to load anything, neither scenes nor characters nor anything. I have reinstalled it several times, even clean installations and it does not work !!!, in the end I had to install the previous version that if it works, it is not stable at all...More
MASSIVE FRUSTRATION I have one character on a blank screen and when I try an move that character to a starting point (or anywhere on screen) in my animation it creates a movement which I don't want. I try to Remove Object Animation and the program CRASHES. 1 Actor on screen and NOTHING ELSE...More
Same as issue 6575 Forum link below shows this issue in past but no reproducible solution available. https://forum.reallusion.com/432190/Face-Tool-and-Hair-Tool-for-CA4-G360?Keywords=hair%20tool#bm432195...More
-I have reinstalled from scratch, all the patches since version 4.0, and they all work perfectly and do not produce any error,. -when the latest version 4.5 is installed the contents panel produces an instant program crash, if it is disabled and the contents are loaded directly from the window...More
When you open the Elastic Motion Editor and click the Motion Curve button, selecting a different transition curve has no effect (the one that the elastic motion loaded with always remains selected)....More