I can't get a thing done with CA4. The program opens and after a few minutes of doing anything it locks up and crashes. I have also experienced a complete system shutdown with this crash. Sometimes it just crashes without a complete system shutdown. Other times it crashes and my computer...More
I had to recreate the same issue because you marked it as Not Reproducible before I managed to send you the file When i import it on cartoon animator the eye (that i changed) doesnt import https://www.dropbox.com/s/mihadcp2smai3nb/Dummy_Template%20Test.swf?dl=0...More
Hello, I was testing for the first time, to draw some new eyes on animate cc for the template character but when i import it on cartoon animator the eyes dont import at all. Only the hair imported. Please have a look at the screenshots....More
Scenario: Create a G3 character using PSD template in Affinity, then import it into CA4 in Composer mode. All is well. Then go into Content manager to pick one of the available G3 mouths. Go back to timeline and add speech file (or TTS) to the character. Try it: all is well, the mouth is moving...More
Scenario: I have a character and have gone through the process of configuring it for 360 Head rotation. Then I decide to edit it (e.g. to modify one of the facial features). I launch PSD Editor (Affinity) and make changes. When I save the PSD file and update the character in CA4, I discover...More
I bought the Hair Tools/Face Tools/Bonus for CA4. I downloaded each, but Hair Tools doesn't show up anywhere in the content manager. I have tried downloading several times, and I see Hair Tools in Finder. I had no trouble with the other assets, but I cannot figure out how to get Hair Tools...More
When I import Affinity Designer PSD with layers with masked textures, the maskes are not imported in the right way. The textures, that are masked in the affinity document, then overlap the characters borders. Is this a bug, or is there a way to solve it? Otherwise I would have to flatten...More
I am trying to create a face from a photo 360 ... but I do not own PHOTOSHOP. O do however own several programs that produce photoshop files and import photoshop files with layers. BUT cartoon animator will not accept these files... even when i tell the programs to produce an 8 bit psd file...More
I bought Animator 4 Pipeline yesterday. When I try to play sound effects in the project phase I hear nothing. Fortunately, however, I can hear the sound effects in the video after it has been rendered. See the following example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwCUiJI_B-g...More