I created a support case for this, and I'm creating this report because it was suggested by the person handling my support ticket. TicketID : 208922 Person handling this: Rampa...More
We would like to suggest to add an option for combine and seperate (like in autodesk maya) ,they will select props as it will make it easier to export them when there are to many sub props and they are needed to form a parent group in 3d xchange so an option to select some specific sub prop...More
Sometimes when content is exported via 3DXChange using the Export OBJ option, the resulting file is corrupt and cannot be re-imported by 3DXChange. In software which does manage to read the corrupt file, the resulting content is not correct. I have not been able to identify what causes this...More
I would love to have the actual joint controlled morphs for the DAZ characters imported into iClone. The look of joints when bent are beautiful in DAZ, and odd to freaky in iClone. And I mean as an auto-set up and not some complex morph import and learn how to use scripts to fix it kind of...More
Animation is not reflected when the output destination is set to Custom in FBX export of Xchange7.61. The same is true for iClone 7.72, but the animation appears to load only in the target application selected in the FBX export panel. Is this a specification change like this?...More
I'm using 3DXCHANGE 7 PIPELINE (7.61.3619.1) on Windows 10 Pro, and it keeps crashing when I import a variety of FBX files. It gets to "converting real-time texture size..." and hangs for 5-20 seconds then crashes out with no error given. I've tried importing the same files into iClone 7...More
This was not a good move on Reallusion's part. It makes CC3 only Human compatible. If you wanted to create very unique creature faces and have them look like they are speaking properly, good luck because the ability to fix facial expressions was removed! We need this function back ASAP!...More
Not always but sometimes it crashes when i try to send from iclone to 3dxchange even simple props :( The previous version was working great. This version has so many bugs...More
I'd pay 99$ ish if I could import a model into 3DX and click paint texture. Not some basic barely functional painting software, supply brushes, paint strokes, layers. I would even get Pipeline 3DX if I could use it to paint models with it....More
Is there a particular reason why I can not import *.iCloth files - exported from my Character Creator 3.01 character, into 3DXchange 7.5, yet it works for *.iAcc files. I want to import *.iCloth files into 3DXchange, in order to export them as FBX format. Ideally I would like to be able to...More