Sorry for my poor english (Google traduction) I convert V4 (DAZ) to fbx and import it into 3DXChange 7. I convert it to non-standard. In preset I choose DAZ 4 genesis. In Spine page the second vertebra is selected, which is not correct with respect to your manual. So I choose the first vertebra...More If I unistall the software and reinstall it works for a little bit but then it stops working and crashes everytime You...More
The program cashes and disappears without a warning or dialogue pop-up. Just gone. My process: 1) Downloaded a tree from Evermotion (sample download)...More
After 3 times loading in a fbx version 6 files 3dexchange pro 7.01 will stop working and windows will give the following errors. This is getting very frustrating as this has happend twice today alone....More
I've used 3DXChange last week when it wasn't updated to Version 7.5 and when I imported any sort of Character it worked perfectly fine. I have a mixamo rigged character and now that I've updated to Version 7.5 the program crashed on Import. It gets stuck on the last step Converting Real-time...More