Hi animagic, Maybe your computer ever crash in Dx11,it cause ROV off. Molly Reallusion
Hi Molly, I applied the file and that did indeed resolve the problem. It was necessary to reboot iClone, because it wouldn't open after I applied the file. Without relaunching iClone, there is no effect. I remember this file from the past. I think that when a new driver is installed the setting gets undone somehow, so that's why I saw the artifacts. Applying the file also resolved another problem. I had no light reflection in PBR eyes, but they were back after applying the file. Thanks for your help!
Hi animagic, Please download ROV Tool,double-click IC7-CC3-Rov-ON-2.reg and try it again.Please let me know the result.Thank you very much. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B9ZP0MKbhkGDRK5KlwYQ_3-9DGITAuTP https://goo.gl/b7KKFp Molly Reallusion
This very problem was bugging me since v7.0. It was getting little better, or worse with every new update to IC 7. But it NEVER goes away. Most any hair with fairly dense opacity map would start *falling apart* and render with artifacts, when the camera is very close to it, Super Sampling is enabled and rendered with large (or full screen) view-port. The only way to deal with this problem, is to render with fairly small view-port. But that results in long render time and other problems such as GI flickering and jagged edges on objects with glow maps. Please see this post for more details: https://forum.reallusion.com/FindPost423599.aspx