When altering the head turns in the expression clip while the character has an active Look At, there is an over correction. Such has the head is raised noticeably higher when exported into other software, than what it appears to be in iClone. Quick Steps to Replicate: 1. Create a new project...More
I am trying to make it so my character collides with an object, like lying in a bed. But no matter what I do, turn on collide of the object, set the colliders of the character, their bodies go right through the bed. What is the trick to make the character not go through the bed. Why is it...More
Hi, we have a couple of project in iClone, importing mocap from different sources, on different types of characters, and we keep having the same forearm flip snap rotation issue in many points, when the arm does a big movement. Basically the animation is imported/retargeted, and keys go 180...More
I was using the Pn3 sensor for motion capture, and everything works well except for an issue with the head and hand movements. When I tilt my head sideways or forward, the shoulder and elbow bones move too, which looks quite odd. Is there a way to fix this? I've uploaded pics demonstrating...More
Iclone 8 v8.4 crashes every time I attempt to open my character file. I recently upgraded to v8.4 and now iclone 8 crashes every time I attempt to open my character....More
1. Open Tabs Create a Hit on Frame Rate - How to check? use iClone's FPS counter and start closing Tabs. My suggestion is to either auto hide tabs when the mouse is over the viewport or use let users create and save tab & layout presets that are related to the workflow. (Work Flow Preset) While...More
I have Axis Studio open and record the motion in iClone 8 using Motion Live. The program has shut down twice while attempting to record. It has completely locked up after recording the motion successfully on the third attempt (screenshot attached). I have rebooted the computer. The issues persist...More
The current avatars are great, but just an added level of realism would be to have skin that appears and acts 'soft' Maybe something for the next gen avatars. So when for instance a strap or elastic waist band on an outfit would sink a little into the skin rather than sit on it....More
Maybe its a bit of a streach but since Vroid is getting more and more popular, it would be cool to be able to import VRM files, instead of having to export them to FBX in blender, I think it would save a lot of time since you wouldn't need to re do a lot of things in character creator...More
hey, it would be great if support FACEGOOD [aka Avatary] on iClone as Motion Live gear for Facial Animations ... its definitely game changer ......More