Note this is a - feature request ! 1. Disconnect the hips movement / rotation / tilting against the feet when foot / ground control is activated and using the gizmo (z) to drag the feet onto the ground In essence the hips should stop any added translation / rotation when the feet hit's...More
On the previous versions we could save custom heads on iclone but we cant anymore. the button to save the head is greyed out, you cant press it anymore...More
Hello, I recently had the need to use a "body scale" setting of over 1000% so I can create a fantasy scene with trolls and giants. The Body Scale setting is limiting the slider to "1000.00". It seems silly for an advanced 3d program to limit this. Could this limitation please be removed entirely...More
Reallusion, you probably get a lot of people complaining that their project no longer opens and they ask you if you can fix it, likely because they overloaded the scene beyond their computer's memory. *If the scene was overloaded perhaps an option with the "failed to load" message gave them...More
Hi! We have been using your software for six months and everything was fine. But recently we faced the problem that were not there before. We found out that Reallusion Hub and Iclone interferes with wi-fi connection on PC while running. For example, it cause delays and pauses during skype...More
The option for orthogonal view is only for the preview camera that you cant animate Please add this option to the actual cameras too so we can animate the camera in orthogonal view...More
When I moved my custom content (specifically iAvatars) from the custom pack to a pack I made called Characters the files got mislabeled. It appears as though the files got named the wrong names but the data did not get overwritten. This happened when I selected multiple Avatars from the custom...More
There is no general category so I placed it under iClone. 10 votes limit might have been appropriate at the beginning, when there was not so many issues reported. Nowadays FT has grown enormously and there are a lot of issues we would like to vote on, only to find out we have run out of votes...More
Users are frequently asking questions about limiting props/sub-props movements/rotations. Currently in iClone it is virtually impossible to do. We have perform actions (which do not work right anyway) and morphs....More