Exporting a full character animation (MotionPlus for example) with a Look At constraint directly from iClone to any other software (including 3DXChange) will cause the eyes to remain looking up to the right....More
Dear Reallusion! I bought Iclone pipeline (CC 3dxchange) in september from you. The program runs on Nvidia GTX 1080 series. Until december was no problem with running Iclone with nvidia driver 39... installed....More
https://theblog.adobe.com/adobe-pro-video-apps-now-support-prores-export-on-windows/?fbclid=IwAR30Ssfu9myTVK7m0mRZ-8_Xp9DwKvinoKtCqgDcQiQ9HaCPSQpdzZwauKg&mv=social&mv2=owned_social&scid=89f07f96-559d-40f4-8c85-38491d2e7691 With the new development that you ProRes is available on Windows now...More
The program crashes when I double click a character to be placed on the stage. It does not matter if it's a CC, C6 or a C5 character. However, when a character is placed on the stage using the "drag and drop" method, the system does not crash. This does not happen when placing other items...More
The characters cloth (vest) mesh is broken after moving the model from CC3 to Iclone 7. When trying to edit the character back in CC3 from Iclone. The model look good in CC3. Not sure where the problem is occuring. Attached screenshots....More
I created a character in CC3 incl. game base and LODs. Then I send that character to IClone, create an animation and export the clothed character as fbx. Btw, here it would be nice to have the option of exporting without textures because I just want ta have the animation. So in Unity it is...More
Just following the workflow as discribed here i get some unexspected result. iClone Pipeline Tutorial - Applying Motions from iClone to 3DS Max CS Biped Characters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQGYoPC7llo...More