hi my cc3 and clone wont open everyday their is always this message....and everyday its like hit or miss if i can used the software..this is keeping me from loving this software. please solve this....More
This behavior is typical for any version of iClone (including iClone 6 and 7). The Start(,) button takes a lot longer to move timeline scrabber to the beginning , than to move it to the end with End button. The more intense project is, the longer it takes to go to frame 0, while it does not...More
I think it would be great to have more default spring bones for characters like glute stomach etcetera rather than just the breasts. I feel like it could add a lot of realism to animations with the extra soft body simulation. I work on Indie video games and there's been so many times I wished...More
I tried to render hairs bought in Reallusion store but in iray render they create artifacts like attached photos. I've tried to change blur and opacity of scalp but with no better results....More
I have recently purchased Iclone with Unreal Live Link, and facing a problem that when I update morphs in Iclone, it doesn't make any changes in Unreal Engine. Please in your next version of IClone and LiveLink also add this feature to animate morph, or just improve IClone's rendering quality...More
Below is a repost from "kungphu" it was never responded to by Reallusion. I would like to know the fix to this situation for a recent project. Unreal Livelink Animation Sync I've tried this with various frame rates for unreal Project (i.e 30fps or 60fpd) and also viewed my own transfer frame...More
Note this is a - feature request ! 1. Disconnect the hips movement / rotation / tilting against the feet when foot / ground control is activated and using the gizmo (z) to drag the feet onto the ground In essence the hips should stop any added translation / rotation when the feet hit's...More