i turned a model into non standard character and tried to apply to iclone but i got these 2 errors finally i saved the file as iavatar and then imported it to iclone...More
IN CC3 there is an option to apply an " image" to a light,also "light shapes" but not in IC7 which only has the colour palette . Request Iclone be given the same options. as CC3 and perhaps option to export Lights with Character from CC3 to Iclone. Reason - Iclone is where you create...More
It is a bit of a pain to try and figure out the total amount of my content purchases for the qualifying period. It will be much more civilized if reallusion tracked that total itself. It is annoying to need to use a spreadsheet in this particular application. I believe qualified but I'm still...More
Hi there, i've a problem when I go live from MVN with suite and Manus prime, do you have any suggestions? All the body and hands are fine , there is a problem with a finger, the thumb finger, look like is in reverse mode....More
I have an issue with Motion Plus files imported from Iclone 7 to CC3.4 to export to Unity I have simple repro steps 1-Open your character from CC to Iclone...More
Hello reallusion, as iclone 8 will be rolling out very soon... Please, do not forget about iclone character body physics and also clothing, hair physics as well. Those iclone and former CC character body looks too stiff when doing animation. This is the sample I got from one channel showcasing...More
When I drop a weightmap in for soft cloth use, it doesn't allow pure black, which in turn, makes things like pinning impossible. But I can create the proper weight map in CC3 and bring it in. So it seems kind of like a bug to me....More
I made some shoes (short boots) using the correct technique, on a neutral base, in Blender, Zbrush and Substance Painter. The boots work perfectly in iClone and CC3. When I export my character to Unreal Engine (using the correct plugins), the surface of the boots are all messed up. I am guessing...More
Hi, I want to be able to render in Unreal but also be able to render the figure inside iClone to then composite the two renders in post. This should be easily possible with an iClone piloted camera but reality is that it's not possible because the Unreal and the iClone render do not match...More