Please add a mechanism or an indicator into Composer mode that provides information on which object was used from Content Manager for particular part of the character. This could be, for example: 1. an indicator (e.g. a small red mark or the text "in use") displayed on the icon of the used...More
A few minor, but very important functions are missing, if you ask me. 1. Auto-save. Crazytalk animation does bug and shut-down from time to time. A auto save function would really help here. Just general, while working with animation/video, autosaves eases the pain from time to time :-)...More
I would like to see an option for a dark mode for the UI. The bright white can be too much after several hours of working with the program. Thank you....More
I wanted add my voice to those who suggest that Reallusion offer a Linux/Ubuntu version of CrazyTalk Animator. There are a growing number of young animators and artists that use Krita in KDE (which you support with your character import) and Linux as their desktop all over the world. KDE Neon...More
Ok, I have two issues for CTA3 program. Actually one is a suggestion. 1. Unable to save props position. Example, when I positioned a tree behind a object( actor, chair, another trees, etc) and hit SAVE project. After the saving is complete, the tree that I just placed behind other objects...More
I'd also like to report that the UI is far too small when running on the surface book. It is very close to unusable at this time. There are solutions that involve registry hacks, but that's not going to cut it long term. I highly recommend implementing a solution to the asap. Perhaps something...More
After watching the tutorial from 2DAnimation101 I realise that we can change from side (45 & 135 degree angle) to the (front 0 degree angle). I'm thinking that since we can create all kind of character with G3 characters, it would be convinient for the users to be able to animate their own...More
Summary line above was response to my question on stationary subtitles (that don't move with camera), but I can't find how to use "image layer" so subtitles don't move. I searched help for "image layer", but nothing relevant to this comes up. Could you be more specific.?! ... Thanks....More
Just a suggestion... I thought it would be good to be able to disconnect subtitles from the camera so they display in front, in one place, in the same size... not moving with the camera. Unless there is another way to display subtitles I have to readjust them each time the camera pans or zooms...More