We just got Crazy Talk 8 and we're about to get the full iClone package. We're not sure what specific file types are exportable between the two apps, so once we have a 3D head and character body created in CT8, can we export it into iClone with full animation capabilities for the face and...More
Steps I took to accomplish this look: 1. Male Photos taken from Samsung S4 phone using the HDR setting. 2. Downloaded the male photos taken to Mac Hard drive....More
I am re-installing Crazytalk on a new desktop. I have purchased the 10-pack business heads. I have installed Crazytalk successfully. I believe I have installed the business heads correctly. The business heads do not appear automatically in Crazytalk. I have searched the net. I would...More
It would help us so much to have a "mirror" button to click when creating 3D or 2D heads in CT8 and setting the "Feature Points", most of the time I'm using a photo that I have split down the middle in PaintDotNet because of shadows and copy/paste the two good halves together to make a clearer...More
Right now when starting a new head-fitting the very first thing I ALWAYS have to do is manually resize the wizard-window to take my full screen so that I can more accurately place the control points. Please make this manual-sizing persistent so that it will always launch the last way it was...More
In the spirit of avoiding Photoshop until absolutely necessary: A lot of head-fitting texture issues I've encountered are very isolated to a small part of the texture. While I am taking steps in my pipeline to avoid these issues from the getgo, I imagine this is a common issue. What I would...More
So frustrating. I have frontal/profile PNGs (incl. alpha). Each is 1280px height x 1176px width. Each time I try to create a 3D character via the Face Fitting step-through CrazyTalk8 crashes. I have completely uninstalled my earlier installation of the app and reinstalled from scratch - made...More
Virtual reality is exploding in all different directions, I envision a "photo to face avatar creation game lobby unity asset" . Unity developers can optionally add a "VR connect" compatibility logo on their Unity game titles to inform customers that their game title can connect to other "VR...More
CT 8 is a powerful tool to make a talking puppet from pictures, however in a pricetag of $199 I expected more. I just try to play FaceRig which cost $10 and some advance feature from Adobe Illustrator that have a FaceMocap. I wish that in the upcoming update RL would add a FaceMocap from webcam...More