Steps I took to accomplish this look: 1. Male Photos taken from Samsung S4 phone using the HDR setting. 2. Downloaded the male photos taken to Mac Hard drive....More
It would help us so much to have a "mirror" button to click when creating 3D or 2D heads in CT8 and setting the "Feature Points", most of the time I'm using a photo that I have split down the middle in PaintDotNet because of shadows and copy/paste the two good halves together to make a clearer...More
Hi, I know that 3rd party software exists which helps us to jerry-rig a complicated work-around so we can Livestream using CA5... But would it be possible to upgrade Crazytalk 8 as a VTuber Toon App so we can use it directly, and more easily please? Although hand motions would be nice to...More
I dont know if Crazytalk is still in development but I think crazy talk 9 could be possible. I've suggested this feature for ic8 but should be available for CC4 as well. Users can benefit with a light weight application such as crazy talk for vblogging/live streaming but you should also give...More
As a mac user, I'm grateful to have found a program like this. However, on a mac, Crazy Talk is a standalone program, with no ability to enter its workings in order to make modifications. Windows users have both iClone and CC3 to work with, which gives them more modding power. My wish is that...More
Hi, during Fall 2019 macOS 10.15 will be released and all the 32-bit applications won't be working anymore. Could you please update your app 'CrazyTalk v7' in order to be compatible with this new 64-bit policy? I will appreciate that. Thank you....More
When you are in the Eye settings. Both the eyes in the select part is red (it looks more like they are de-selected compare to selected. Green would be a better colour for it). The default setting make both eyes move (both eyes selected). But you deselect the left image (which is the right...More
I think it would be awesome to have the ability to use bezier curves when editing head shapes in the front and side views. This ability would significantly improve the product and make it much more user friendly when having to position points and the curves that get squished too much and deform...More
Desafortunadamente, me encontré con la noticia de que "El contenido de Crazy Talk ya no estará disponible para la venta después del 31 de diciembre de 2023". Sin embargo, considero que este es el momento perfecto para destacar y respaldar este maravilloso programa. Crazy Talk ofrece un conjunto...More