I dont know if Crazytalk is still in development but I think crazy talk 9 could be possible. I've suggested this feature for ic8 but should be available for CC4 as well. Users can benefit with a light weight application such as crazy talk for vblogging/live streaming but you should also give...More
Hello everyone! I'm making a film with dolls and I use crazy talk8 to animate their faces. I usually use frontal images of their faces. Does anyone know if it is possible to animate an image of their faces in profile?...More
Hi, during Fall 2019 macOS 10.15 will be released and all the 32-bit applications won't be working anymore. Could you please update your app 'CrazyTalk v7' in order to be compatible with this new 64-bit policy? I will appreciate that. Thank you....More
I sent this already with picture but never got a reply. The demarkations are far away from the true eyes of my character. Upon moving them it pulls the flesh so far it is totally disorted. I tried to click all the different colours green, blue to move but they are stuck....More
I buyed I clone some Days ago, of course i had to buy Crazy Talk. I payed almost 300 Dollars and it dont work. I can easylie record sounds in I Clone, but in Crazytalk 8 Pipeline if i want to create an Script it makes that Error Sound, like i have to click something, but nothing appears. If...More