Currently, to my knowledge. there is not easy way of skin weighting clothing like this. while the presets work for the lower portion (below the neck,) anything above will clip through the head, having a setting for the clothing layers, or having a vertex assignment for the head (like there...More
We have one feature wish for the Headspace plug-in. It would be amazing if you could feed more than one photo into it to create the face. Particularly a side view of the face, that would save a lot of time sculpting the model. Perhaps even 5 photo’s? Frontal, 45 degrees from both sides, and...More
32bit Tangent VDMs exported from Zbrush. Either baked from a sculpt, or the diagnosis tool they have built in. Tangent FlipnSwitch set to 43. If I place the VDM into displacement slot of the material editor tab, and select Vertex Displacement; it will then freeze on me before crashing. Only...More
Export to the new set of mannequin bones which has unreal 5. The unreal 5 mannequin and metahumans have a new bone structure and all the examples released by unreal (Lyra, Mannequins Pack, etc) use that new system.
I have a custom character exported from Unreal engine and using Accurig extension in CC 4 trying to setup eyes and jaw after following the Youtube videotutorial, Accurig completely screws up the bones.. See the pictures: It removes eye and jaw bone, completely removes all fingers, it adds...More
When it's in low light environment such as cloudy or overcast, the hair colour doesn't show its true colour. Especially blonde hair. How to reproduce: UE5.1.1...More
When creating a head in headshot. I go to modify the body and for some reason when I try and match the skin color it's completely different from the face vs the next area. As a result the entire body is a different color then the skin tones of the face and I don't believe this has been an issue...More