After the update, When Attempt to open most of my recent content through the smart gallery I get an error and cc3 crashes. - I can't even open the folder to get to the content. The error pops up after clicking on the folder thumbnail. attached is the error message. This did not happen before...More
While using CC to create a character, the program suddenly crashes and this message appears: "The instruction at 0x00007FF6BAA92551 uses the memory address 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF. The state of the memory cannot be read. Click OK to end the program."...More
hi have been trying to work out why it is that when i create a split head / body morph from one i have sculpted the eyes and teeth won't morph as well? can anyone please help?...More
Original Question I was following the RealIlusions tutorial on exporting CC3 Character to Blender and rigging it with auto rig pro. But you can rig the character because the character's feet don't import on the ground plane the bone does with the character above it. Auto rig pro only works...More
When I update the Category and refresh smart gallery, the content does not update. please help. I changed the Category to "full body" and it still remains under "Others" after saving and refreshing....More
1. I am using the Merge Textures option in CC3 as I want to use the model as a game character. 2. However, the face is too small in the texture atlas. Finger nails take up more space than the face. I have posted this on your forum, and somebody suggested I should file a bug report which I...More
From CC3 sent to iclone to 3dxchange , exported the eyeblink morph to fix When i reimported to 3dxchange and into iclone it works fine. but when i send the character to CC3 the eyeblink morph changes back to the original (before it fixed). Its like its not been saved and doesnt transfer to...More
Create a new project using Unreal Engine 4.27 and put the Auto-Setup shaders in the project. The hair shader shows up black. Bug reported on support ticket 208796...More
i wanted to export my model from Zbrush to CC3 .But i keep getting this memory error, i tried export GOZ one by one and found out that it works until it reached a certain number limit, which then pop up the error. How to increase the memory or solve this? The file itself is not corrupted as...More