There is only 1 option 1sec = 30 fremes in the project settings. Working for TV in Europe I need 1 sec = 25 frames. Please correct it. I want to have a choice!...More
Hi, It would be great to have the possibility of exporting the animation NOT as a sequence of sprites, but divided in different layers each following the parts of the character. EXAMPLE:...More
With the ability to export the PSR (position scale rotation)of a body from CA4 to AE4 It will give us the ability to create dynamics in after effects as wells parent things like particular effects other effects to different body parts. Even if we were able to export each part of the body separately...More
I believe this will be a really fun tool to have when I can finally get it working. On my apple computer, I have not been successful. I'm saving up to buy a windows computer to use especially for this program. I understand that may be the reason all my investments in your software and content...More
on the tutorial it said to find the scriptUI folder and copy and paste the file into the folder. I searched the whole computer. but it said no scriptUI on your computer??? regards vicki...More
AE tutorial doesnt work for me. I have followed the tutorial for hours but still get no results. think i will just give it a miss, very frustrating. regards vicki...More
I updated my pipeline version of cartoon animator. i found AE at the top, followed the instructions but it wouldnt load. Is it because i only have adobe photo shop elements?i have tried to attach the file you requested but it wouldnt let me...More
If you apply a 3D motion to a character and it, for example, walks forward toward the camera in CA4. Export the project with the CA4 to AE plugin and import it into After Effects... The Z motion of the character is not applied, the character would just walk across the scene....More