Cartoon Animator 4
Issue 9027
product use
I believe this will be a really fun tool to have when I can finally get it working. On my apple computer, I have not been successful. I'm saving up to buy a windows computer to use especially for this program. I understand that may be the reason all my investments in your software and content have not been accessible. Am I on the right track? When I finally buy a windows computer so that I can enjoy this product, will I be easily able to download CT4 and upgrade to CT5 when it is released, it at no cost due to the fact that I took advantage of the October 31, 2022 deadline to buy a little over $199 worth of content that I can't use on this apple computer because plug-ins won't work and the program won't even fully work.
Let me know if I am on right track. Thank you.
OS: Mac OS 10.15
  •  0
  •  522
Submitted byantiqueamericana