I would love to see new G360 children characters added to the Content Store. Right now, the only children characters are the G3 characters and these do not come with the 360 heads nor bone hands. Adding the 360 children characters would make it worth it for those who don't draw to buy the new...More
Right now there are three tutorials I can find on how to change the skin color of characters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea546FkJRD0 https://youtu.be/TllijIMym3o...More
There are 4 new tutorials on exporting mov files from CTA 4.5 but there are no tutorials on how to import mov files into CTA. I would like to see tutorials on how to import these files into CTA 4.5. The compositing page about CTA shows examples of this but I am unable to achieve it. https...More
I would like to see real text tools added to Cartoon Animator. Right now, the current text tool function like subtitles. Animations cannot be applied to the text. Also, the text is confined to the I would like to see real text tools where a user can apply prop animations to text and save...More
The lip sync doesn't work properly. It look terrible!! This is because only 9 out of the 16 possible lip positions are enabled for a 3d Sprite Based Head. The Auto lip sync doesn't look at all realistic and there is no easy way to fix it. Please fix this bug ASAP. I bought Cartoon Animator...More
Clothing PSD files for the Campus Hero Characters should be released to those who purchase both the Campus Hero pack and the Actor Dressing Room Pack. This is so clothing from the characters in the Campus Hero pack can easily be combined with the clothing from the Actor Dressing Room pack...More
Just installed it. An awful huge interface. I have 3 monitors - and it is not enough for me to use this program. I'm in thought ... My main monitor is 2k. Just compare with After Effects:...More