With the G4 and G3 characters, they are separated by front and side views. Is there a way to paste costume changes from one to the other instead of doing them one by one. I'm thinking of just changes being made in PS such as color....More
Hi community, I am a big fan of CTA because of the simplicity of its UI but I have one and one big issue with the 2D animation: How to animate a character walking with a dress. I don't know if the dress should be a prop to be animated separately because when it is part of the hips and separated...More
It is becoming very difficult to search for a prop or scene. It will be present under specific folder. For that we have to expand each folder to check that prop. It will be really easy to find a Prop or Actor or Scene or SFX or Motion....More
I'd love to see a tool that would allow us to make our own custom ANIMATED hair. Also, can you look into a way to add physics to the hair so that it could react in real time to shat the character was doing?...More
I have submitted a similar suggestion for CTA3 a year or so ago (Issue #5221) but it is just as relevant for CA4 so I am re-entering it so it remains in the queue. ---- My dream feature would be 2D Character builder. I won’t be bending the truth much if I say that the most dreaded, horrifically...More
Hi, I use Artrage 6 for all my hand drawn art which fully supports PSD import/export but unfortunately when using CC4 edit image and you hit save the save location (presumably a temp location to CC4s psd art) is not there and ARtrage simply asks where you would like to save the PSD file....More
Cartoon Animator is a very potent tool. You can create some nice animations with it. However when it comes to exporting, exchanging and re-using animations it is still somehow limited. There is a new open format which has made its way into Telegram chat clients for animated stickers. It's...More
Hello; I'm trying to create a content catalog for clients - not an easy task out of CA4. It would be nice if the software had the option to export an editable content catalog; meaning, you could make a .pdf of the specific content you wanted to show a perspective client with multiple layout...More
Hi, it would be very convenient if I could create a character using a .afdesign file not a psd. I like to design my characters using vector tools and as soon as it is converted to PSD all my easy tweaks in Affinity design are not available. Since your program works with affinity design, perhaps...More