Since we can use a webcam for capturing face and body motion, I think we should be able to use recorded video for the same purpose. That would give us the ability to use a snapshot of a frame of the video to create a caricature or cartoon style image and animate it using the original subject...More
1. Recently, CTA can only add up to 3 sound files at a time (Sound FX1, Sound FX2, and Music). Each character has a chance to add a sound file for lip-sync purposes. There is only one option to change the volume for Sound FX1, Sound FX2, and Music at the same time. And there is no chance to...More
I found when I add actions to the face. the actions overwrites the voice clip and in effect removed the mouth animations, I don't see why this should happen, the fix was to either go through and manually delete the overwrite on the voice clip or re-apply the voice to re-establish the mouth...More
The current behavior of the CTI means that whenever you click somewhere in the timeline, the CTI moves to that point. However, that behavior can be quite annoying when you're copy & pasting keyframes etc, as it moves to whatever keyframe you click on etc. It would be great to have an option...More
We jump between different editors very often when animating and refining etc. It would be great if we could keep multiple editor panels open at the same time, so then all we need to do to 'activate' that editor is to click on the panel. That way we can flick between things quicker & don't have...More
The Transition Curve presets are ok, but I think everyone would appreciate a proper spline editor for the keyframes so we can really dial in the moves. The AE graph editor is a great example of this....More
I would like a tutorial on how to use Cartoon Animator with iClone that goes over all the ways you can combine the software features together. I also would like to know what plugins I need and what I would need to buy from the content store. I see the sales advertised for iClone but I can...More
I would love to see a facial component set that lets you create different facial components for different character styles. I would also love the set to be similar to the G360 dressing room set where the PSD files are included. The facial component set should focus on creating the different...More
I'd like to suggest giving users the ability to change the Default view in the Layer Manager. The Default is always set to Thumbnail Size Medium and List Expand. I constantly end up changing it to List Collapse and Thumbnail Size Small (see attached). I'd like the ability to just set the Default...More