When you open Cartoon Animator you are greeted by a pop-up and a blank screen. I would like to see a home screen option that has news, templates, projects, and a way to download recent files. I attached some screenshots of example home screens from various products....More
Hi, I do a lot of live zoom sessions using animated MP4 backgrounds (which I make in CA4 and iClone). Unlike Microsoft Teams, Zoom permits MP4s to replace our backgrounds so I can look like I am going live from any toon location, in any genre from Sci F to Fantasy, Jurrasic, alien planet...More
I love the ability to Render in Quick Capture as a transparent GIF, however best practice website design uses the faster format of Lottie files. Can you please add this option?...More
It would be really easy and nice to have a VERSION or Last Updated date on everything on the store, so I can tell, and others can tell when the content was last updated, so they can download the newer fixed version for their content purchases. I am a seller and people ask me to update things...More
It would be great if you could specify a transition curve other than linear for all keyframes in the application settings (see After Effects), which would be used by default. And you can swith between them depending on which one you need more often....More
It is difficult to position items in the timeline at a specific frame. If you position the playhead where to want it (say, a sound clip) and then click on the clip, the playhead moves to the start of the clip where it currently is. Nothing wrong with that. But then you have to move the clip...More
The Transition Curve presets are ok, but I think everyone would appreciate a proper spline editor for the keyframes so we can really dial in the moves. The AE graph editor is a great example of this....More
I believe this will be a really fun tool to have when I can finally get it working. On my apple computer, I have not been successful. I'm saving up to buy a windows computer to use especially for this program. I understand that may be the reason all my investments in your software and content...More
here is my idea on CTA 5 to have a automatic output link to your editor of your choice by having two paths to follow. please see my two examples shown as flow charts...More