See attached file. If docking of 360 Head Creator can be done, we don't have to move it constantly to the center of the computer screen to access the Layer Manager. Thanks....More
A basic system for particles animation would be great. The user could put "generators/emitters" that could generate some props or sprites. The emitter could have some options/settings like "speed", "lifetime", "rotation", "scale". There could be thousands of different recipes from users that...More
Support for extensions with plugin or script format would also be a great feature. It would gibe the opportunity to users and 3rd party companies to create some powerful features for the software. Reallusion could start with support with some basic scripting language support like Python or...More
I understand that it may not be an issue for users who record audio simultaneously while doing ML 2D recording. My use case is frequently different. Very often I record the audio (e.g. character's speech or singing) separately in an audio recording software, where I do some audio processing...More
I have recently discovered an OpenSource program called Enve. It has some really nice features that would be nice to see here...... These are my 2 wishes..... One is that you can import files directly created with Illustrator or Inkscape....More
In CA4 all characters are by default shown facing left. If you flip your character to face in the opposite direction (facing right) you will discover that all bone and face related features become reversed. Left becomes right and right becomes left. E.g. if you are in 2D Motion Key Editor,...More
Dear technical team for cartoon animator, I am Muhammed, I am using cartoon animator 4 pipeline, just i have an excellent suggestion, regarding importing vectors, can you add functionality for the CA4 pipeline to import the SVG vector because as you know it it standard vector extension...More
This is another efficiency improvement request. Here's a workflow example. I have built a prop or a character only to discover that the resolution is not high enough so when I zoom in, it starts to look washed out, which, I am sure is something very familiar to many users. So I prepare a high...More
I'd like to see an option whereby you can create a spline with nodes you click to add that changes a prop's scale. You would attach the prop to the spline and the object slides along it taking on the shape of the spline and the scale values of each added node....More