Cartoon Animator 4
Released in 5.0
Issue 7310
Regarding import
Dear technical team for cartoon animator,

I am Muhammed, I am using cartoon animator 4 pipeline, just i have an excellent suggestion, regarding importing vectors, can you add functionality for the CA4 pipeline to import the SVG vector because as you know it it standard vector extension or even EPS, that's it. i hope that you consider my suggestion. i think this will help to attract more customer and users this will help. why? if i want to modify a character on this software by GIMP or photoshop for example, the software will tell me "the vector will be converted to raster", so i think as a user and because that the character on CT4 is vector-based it is better to use vector software instead of raster software like inkscape, kindly why not? thank you in advance
OS: Windows 10
  •  0
  •  850
Submitted byHMORI TOONS