360 issues found


Not Reproducible
Scenario: I have a character and have gone through the process of configuring it for 360 Head rotation. Then I decide to edit it (e.g. to modify one of the facial features). I launch PSD Editor (Affinity) and make changes. When I save the PSD file and update the character in CA4, I discover...More
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  •  1697
Submitted by candlelight2007


I would like the ability to zoom into the character's head using a shortcut key or an option in the zoom menu without manually having to do it each time. The zoom is slow so having this option would speed things up for me....More
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  •  1696
Submitted by Deborah Hearne


Not Reproducible
Hello Dev team. I has issue to upload Cartoon animator Motion file (.ctBmotion) . When I click Upload button at content developer software its show error. I put at attach a file (png). Hope Dev team can help me to fix this problem to make me upload and sell my content at realussion market....More
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  •  1673
Submitted by wans7r


The only options in the elastic motion bar are entrance and exit. There is no way to fix this to change it to an emphasis after editing with the Elastic Motion Editor. You have to delete the animation and use the keyframes in order to keep it as an emphasis motion.
My suggestion is to add...More
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  •  1671
Submitted by deborah_293014


Also, the grouped items can be saved as a ONE COMPLETE CUSTOM PROP which when placed in the STAGE MODE can still retain its layers where a character can be placed in between the layers.
Example: assembled car body parts....More
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  •  1663
Submitted by vepop


Not Reproducible
i could find a work around but there's a bug where the head turns upside down after i do that if i could get it fixed it would be great the shadow on the torso doesnt move with the head in my imagining just tryin to help you guys you have great software already but
i wish you guys dont...More
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  •  1650
Submitted by sappyisdante


I would like to see real text tools added to Cartoon Animator. Right now, the current text tool function like subtitles. Animations cannot be applied to the text. Also, the text is confined to the
I would like to see real text tools where a user can apply prop animations to text and save...More
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  •  1631
Submitted by Deborah Hearne


Hello! You had a link to send you feedback and although I had to go through lots of hoops and loops to get here, this is a feedback, also meant to give you some ideas (hopefully)
I am a professional editorial cartoonist, something which I have been working with for soon to become 30 years....More
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  •  1630
Submitted by wilf53_242339


Not Reproducible
Good evening,
I have CTA4 on two desktop computers; both have the exact issue... When I attempt to record my voice, for whatever reason it comes in short and extremely choppy. Seems like an issue with the newest update, since both installations do exactly that. I have to use an external audio...More
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  •  1626
Submitted by vincent.r.logiudice


When I import Affinity Designer PSD with layers with masked textures, the maskes are not imported in the right way. The textures, that are masked in the affinity document, then overlap the characters borders.
Is this a bug, or is there a way to solve it? Otherwise I would have to flatten...More
  •  1
  •  1626
Submitted by tim_412268
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