iClone 7
Issue 3487
URGENT PLEASE - We've lost an important "download and install" function
Since upgrading to iC7, I can no longer download and install iC5 content from the marketplace to my old iC5 version which I still use for teaching my primary student classes. (The interface for iC6 and 7 is too hard for them because the text below icons is hover-only. In order to meet educational software standards, all menu icons must have text descriptions permanently (or optionally) switched on below/above/beside each menu icon in iC7).

So do I have to uninstall iC6 in order regain my ability to install to iC5 (which has sufficient icon descriptions)?

Or else, can you please (urgently) re-engage our capability to install on *any* version which we still have installed on our systems?
OS: Windows 8.1
  •  5
  •  1303
Submitted byTarampa Studios
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, Bleetz,

Thanks for your sharing, we will check the downloader and see if there are problem when mixed download iC5/iC6 content with iC7 content.

Tarampa Studios
Doh! Stupid typo... sorry, "proactive" is supposed to be "practice" LOL
Tarampa Studios
Sure... at least, I can say this much: 

It seems that the problem is intermittent, because it was only happening occasionally.  (I recently bought dozens of bulk toon packs from Dicho, so I've had a lot of proactive lately, haha.) 

So I *thought* I had resolved it by reorganising my content downloads to ensure that I had no iC7 content mixed up in the download.

(iC5 and 6 content still download together, same as always, no problems, but as soon as there's an iC7 item in the mix, the installation options are less predictable)... so far the only iC7 content I have downloaded is all freebies, because I'm still trialling the iC7 version and curve editor. 

because the issue reappeared this morning, when I tried to download an iC5 "rolling ocean waves" prop for iC6 at the same time as the free iC7 glow-blend prop, specifically:

 I received the option to install on iC7, but not on iC6. 

However, once again, I resolved the issue by downloading the iC6 prop separately. Yay!
Feedback Tracker Admin
Thank you for your feedback.

Glad to hear that you have solved this issue. iClone content downloaded from the marketplace by the Downloader should be able to install on any version of iClone that was capable to handle that content. i.e. content for iClone 5 can be installed on iClone 5/6/7, content for iClone 6 can only be installed on iClone 6/7.

If you had problem to install iClone 5 content onto iClone 5, and the problem had been resolved, you might want to share with us what was the cause and how did you solved it?

Tarampa Studios