iClone 7
Issue 6805
Relationship between clip_time and Time_line time
Im trying to workout the realtionship between the clip_time and Time_line time.

If I wish to set a key x,y,z on the Transform Track on the time_line I simply set time_line = 100 say and it will put a key at frame 100 on the time_line.

If I set up a clip and save x,y,z to the clip at say clip_time = 100 it saves the data in the clip and at time_line frame 6?

With the above example clip_time = 100 to time_line frame 6, if I divide 100/6 = 16.6666 or 200/12 = 16.6666 is 16.666 a constant value if so what does the value 16.6666 represent?

my question is what value do I use with the clip_time to match a time_line frame.

Hope that makes scense.

Christopher Watts
OS: Windows 10
  •  1
  •  864
Submitted byvideodv
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Christopher,

Sorry for delayed response.
iClone Python API uses RTime to represent the time in animation. You can find details about RTime at the below link:

There are two way to represent the time in iClone animation system.
1. Time
The time is usually specified in seconds or milliseconds, most OpenAPI use milliseconds as the unit of time argument.
2. Frame: 
Currently iClone has fixed frame rate 60 frames per second, which means 1 frame is equivalent to 1000ms/60fps = 16.666ms per frame. Frame is the minimum unit that timeline can display.
The default unit of RTime is milliseconds, and it provides functionality to convert value between Time and Frame. 
I’ve attached a sample script, hope it can help you to understand more about RTime.

Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions.
