Only Export of certain Cloth causes real engine 4.24 to crash
I encounter problems when importing into unreal engine 4.24 using auto-setup for UE4 for certain garments in the bundle CC Essential Clothing & Fabric buy on May 27th 2020 in Export Version, AND Professional Outfits-Cloth Bases Bundle
Hi Calvin,
Thanks for answer.
my problem has move into an other.
No more crash... Auto-Setup 1.04 for UE 4.24.3 AND 4.25.1 don't start when I import a character.
Plugin ask for normal/low/hq, then after import, it don't create MATERIAL....
Must use Auto-Setup 1.03 for UE 4.24.3 but render of material not complete costumize just material instant of RL_Standard for all, EYE, HAIR, SKIN, CLOTH.....
I have create blank ue 4.24 and 4.25 and paste respectif Plugin file and CC_Shaders, nothing at all, same result plugin DO NOT START.
Clear cash, temp, download once again plugin, install into a new blank project, and all, no result.
The good news UNREAL DON'T CRASH .
What can I must to do for use the plugin into UE 4.25.3 ?
Help will very accepted Calvin,
Karim Spinedi
Game Director - Project Chloe
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi karim_701963,
Thanks for your feedback, and sorry for the late reply.
Could you provide your fbx to us, so that we can check the issue properly.
You can upload to cloud service such as Google Drive, and attach the download link in your next comment.
Also you can set comment as private if you want.
Thanks for your help.