iClone 8
Issue 11262
Motion Correction does nothing upon clicking "Correct" for certain animation clips
- extract the run_fwd.rlMotion file from the attached
- add the run_fwd.rlMotion to your timeline with a CC4 base plus character selected
- left click on the run_fwd animation clip in the timeline so it is highlighted completely
- click the "Set start / end frame to the current selection" button
- right click the run_fwd animation clip in the timeline
- select "Motion Correction" in the context menu
- click the "Correct" button on the Motion Correction modal

Expected Result:
- the correction reach targets would appear in the Scene

Actual Result:
- nothing happens at all, no errors, no messages, nothing.
OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  241
Submitted byvtoddw
That's great news, thanks Molly!
Hi Molly,

Thanks for the response.  Let me first say that iClone is an amazing tool, it's extremely user friendly and powerful.  It saves me a ton of time and is far less tedious than other tools in so many ways.  However, as a software developer, when I design a UI where a user can click a button, but there are conditions where the user clicking that button will not do what they want, I have 2 choices:
1. I write logic to toggle the button's state as enabled / disabled, based on that condition.  If the button is disabled, the user knows immediately that clicking it won't work, but it may not be clear to them why it's disabled.
2. I leave the button enabled and write logic to test for that condition on user click and display a message to inform the user that the outcome they are expecting will not happen, and I usually attempt to explain why.

It would go a long way in this scenario to take one of those two paths.  It would have saved me time trying to reproduce this, then reporting it, and it would save you time having to read my comment and respond to it.  So in my opinion, this is still a bug that should be fixed, as there is an enabled button that does nothing when you click it and does not inform the user why.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi vtoddw,

You are right, I have transferred it to our R&D department and will discuss it.Thanks.

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi vtoddw,

Not all motions will create dummy when you click Correct button.You need to adjust some parameters first,for example "Threshold".
