Thank you for your feedback. Please provide your system information file and the Reallusion Hub log file to help us identify the problem. Find Reallusion Hub log file here: C:\Users\%username%\Documents\RLLauncher.log Here is the description about how to get your system information file. Please attach those files in your next comment. Reallusion
Thanks paulg625 I am using Satellite internet, I believe I had some download issues before and had to go to my brothers to get on his wifi. I'm confident this will help. Thanks alot
What type of internet provider do you have? I am using Satellite internet and was having the same problem. I got lucky with my phone as a hot spot last night ( we live on the edge of LTE zone) and picked up a bar of LTE and got past the problem. Reallusion downloads have always had trouble like this. But this is the worse I've seen and if having trouble with this you will probably have trouble with the new RL downloader as it just fails no chance to retry.
I get the same error message when I try to open CC3. I followed all the directions in the email I was given on how to install the program, the pipeline and the resources.