3DXchange 7
Not Reproducible
Issue 7782
I can not see the Mouth Viseme In iClone 3DXChange 7.8 Pipeline
I am having problems making the lips sync look real when I use the BMP and FV Visemes.
The shapes do not look real and so I thought I would edit my Character in Iclone 3DXChange 7.8 Pipeline.
Once I got my character in 3DXChange 7.8 Pipeline I opened the Expressions Editor.
However when I open up the Viseme tab I see none of the Viseme one sees in Iclone 7.9.
I want to make the FV shape look more real but there is no way of changing the shape that makes sense
The Viseme panel has a long list of sliders some for lips and others for eye and face.
The eye sliders make no sense being in the Viseme panel.
However as I was saying before there is no way of editing the Viseme shapes that are present in Iclone 7.9.
A lot of the new demo lips sync looks about 80% realistic.
When I make the FV or BMP sound with my mouth I notice that my jaw moves back a little.
For a very emphasized "BMP" sound my lips will curl in. There is no way to edit the BMP or FV shapes.
No way to edit any Viseme.
To make the lip and mouth shapes realistic the lip shapes need to change too.
The image I have sent you shows me trying to edit an FV shape but this is not possible.
OS: Windows 10
  • Where are the Viseme Sliders Please.jpg
  •  1
  •  822
Submitted bysubongo
B_M_P	Explosive(100)
F_V	        Upper Dental(100)

try this

you won't see the result you have to send it back to IC.

or you have to edit in 3rd part software
  • Screenshot 2021-04-09 180228.png
  • Screenshot 2021-04-09 180407.png
or you have to edit in 3rd part software then bring it back to 3dx
  • Screenshot 2021-04-09 183429.png