Character Creator 3
Released in 3.4
Issue 7188
Game Base character converted to 1024 ends up with normal map 2048
This might not cause any problems if the Max Texture Size in Preferences is set to be over 1024.

However, a problem arises, when Max Texture Size in Preferences is set to 1024.

On FBX or OBJ export, normal map internally downsized to 1024 and then blown up back to 2048.
As a result the quality of this 2048 normal map is a lot worse than even map generated as 512.
Please take a look at the screenshots.

I had a hard time helping user with export to UE until I figured out what is going on:

Steps to reproduce:

1. Start a new project and set Max Texture Size in preferences to 1024x1024
2. Convert to Game Base 1024
3. Check and see that normal map is converted to 2048. It should be 1024 as the rest of the texture maps. No visual problem thus far.
4. Now try to export this character to FBX (or OBJ ) and then import FBX to any engine (Blender, UE, etc...). You can even import that FBX to 3DX and then to iClone (or directly to iClone) to see the result. Normal map (specially the head) is all grained with artifacts.

OS: Windows 10
  • Screenshot1.jpg
  • Screenshot2.jpg
  •  0
  •  1235
Submitted by4u2ges