iClone 7
Released in 7.5
Issue 5684
2D Image Layer Videos not rendering beyond first frame in Native Realtime iClone 7.41
I was able to render, as part of timeline, 2D Image Layer Videos as-of iClone 7.3x, but in 7.41 they no longer render.

In 7.41 only the first frame of a 2D Image Layer video renders, and this first frame renders consecutively throughout the entire timeline.
You can scrub through said 2D Image Layer video on the timeline fine while monitoring in viewport, but once rendered, it is just the first frame.
It never proceeds to the next frames if rendered as an image sequence, or a video (AVI, mp4, etc.)

*Please note, this is not Iray I am referring to, this is the native realtime renderer.

Perhaps this may be connected to some change that occurred in introducing the optimized full screen rendering option, one thing I thought of that changed internally with the renderer, as it was working in 7.3x.

OS: Windows 10
  •  6
  •  3681
Submitted byTonyDPrime
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In 7.3x
Ie, frame 1 on timeline = frame 1 of video on the 2D Image Layer, and 
  frame 20 on timeline = frame 20 of video on the 2D Image Layer. (correct)

But in 7.41, it only renders the first frame of the video in the 2D Image Layer perpetually on the timeline.
Ie, frame 1 on timeline = frame 1 of video on the 2D Image Layer, and 
  frame 20 on timeline = frame 1 of video on the 2D Image Layer. (incorrect)
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