
Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to CrazyTalk6 FAQ where you can find all the frequently asked questions about products and technical issues. If you cannot find the answer, please complete the Customer Support Form for product related questions, or email us for online sales related questions.

Text-To-Speech (TTS)

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1) How can I get more TTS voice?

You can use any SAPI4 or SAPI5 TTS. If you want to get more voice, visit for more information. Or download the TTS driver directly from


2) Why did I get this error message: "No TTS drivers or sound card" after I clicked"Text-To-Speech" button?

This error message indicates that CrazyTalk cannot

You can download the TTS drivers here: (7.31MB). Install the driver and then try to install the CrazyTalk application again.


3) Can I use any voice or a language other than English?

CrazyTalk allows you to record your own voice, import pre-recorded wave files, or type in any text messages to be read back.

CrazyTalk has a powerful Text-to-Speech voice analysis technology and it is language-independence. It can produce fine vocal performance from multiple languages and many available third-party voices.

If you wish to use a particular voice (male, child, robot, and so on) or a language other than English, you can download the TTS engines from TTS engine providers. Please visit their websites for more info. For example, Microsoft provides more than 10 languages for SAPI4 - After installing the add-on voice, you can see all available voice in the drop-down menu.

For more information, you can also refer to our TTS page:


4) How to install TTS engine for CrazyTalk use?

Please see the step by step illustration.
