All the Ceiling, Floors, Pillars and Walls are separated into Brick & Concrete categories. Each Building Element has its unique characteristic. Please see below for detailed information:
A Ceiling & Floors are surrounded by virtual walls.
B Pillars that can change the explosion direction and choose the explosion timing.
C Composable Walls
D Glass that will fall to the ground or keep falling.
For more details, please follow the step-by-step instructions below.
  A.Ceiling & Floors are surrounded by virtual walls.
  Ceilings & Floors are designed to be surrounded by virtual walls.
Items below are surrounded by virtual walls. Items below are not surrounded by virtual walls.
Ceiling / Floor 1-1 Ceiling / Floor 1-2
Ceiling / Floor 2-1 Ceiling / Floor 2-2
Ceiling / Floor 3-1 Ceiling / Floor 3-2
Ceiling / Floor 4-1 Ceiling / Floor 4-2
  Example of usage:
  B.Pillars that can change the explosion direction
  and choose the explosion timing.
  There are two choices of pillars which are cylinder and square.
  Pillar 1/2-Plus includes three parts (Top/Middle/Bottom) that can be selected.
  Example of usage:
  C.Composable Walls
  Wall L-1~3 : The left walls are used for assembly purposes and it provides three different height of explosions.
  Wall R-1~3 : The right walls are used for assembly purposes and it provides three different height of explosions.
  Wall M : The middle wall are used for assembly purposes.
  Example of usage:
  D.Glass that will fall to the ground or keep falling.
  Provide two types of exploding glass, so you can make films with window explosion in a building.
  Example of use:


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