Single Object Applied with Multiple Constraints (New for 5.1)

When you want several objects to rotate around a rigid body object, or to move along the local axis of the rigid body, then you may need to apply multiple constraints to the rigid body, while setting the targets to the physics objects.

  1. Apply several props (in this case, the balloons), set them as Dynamic rigid bodies.
  2. Apply another prop (in this case, the bear). Set it also as Dynamic rigid body. This rigid body will applied with multiple constraints and target to the other physics objects.
  3. Adjust the pivot of the bear to the top of the head.
  4. Apply Rope constraint to the bear. Set the target to one of the balloon.
  5. Apply more Rope constraints to the bear. Set the target to individual balloons.
  6. Since the gravity is now downward, adjust the gravity upward (+9.8) so that every dynamic object moves up.

    The default gravity direction.

    Reverse the gravity direction.

  7. In order to have the bear float instead of moving upward infinitely, apply a Spring constraint to it.
  8. Set the limit of the Spring constraint to (Z, Min = 300, Max = 100, Rest Point = 150).
  9. Play to simulate.