It would be incredibly useful to have the ability to layer multiple animation clips on top of each other in iClone 8 like in many other programs eg. Unity . Blend animations more easily and selectively mask specific parts, such as applying just the hand movements from one pre-existing clip...More
In my last post, I discussed 13 suggestions to improve iClone, but I left out something extremely important regarding the baking of constraints in animation. When the "Bake all animations with constraints" option is used, the root motion of the character remains at zero, regardless of where...More
We're currently locked into the SSS maps on for SSS characters and objects , it would be very interesting to have a transform tool that we could move around that isn't a light source but instead just produces the effect of SSS and functions as an override. This SSS override tool would have...More
*Reallusion Tech responded about Vertex assignment and soft cloth that there is currently a technical problem working together with cloth vs cloth but.. I believe it's your cloth tracking with vertex assignment having a conflict with Clothing assigned with soft cloth and using cloth in general...More
*If imported to iClone, realtime occlusion and frustum culling tool would/should need to be applied but could be limited to scene/chunk size in the beginning. Rendering is too heavy on iClone resources if users are forced to see a vast landscape in the viewport at the same time unless you...More
Hi guys, just wondering if you can add video/frame sync between AccuFace and iC8 playbar in a Scrub audio type function and jump to frame in the AccuFace Window<---this especially. That way we could quickly jump to points that might not be as accurate to almost do facial rotoscoping. In the...More
Hello Just yesterday the new U5.4 appeared, but UNREAL LIVE LINK plugins are only for U5.3 and do not work in U5.4. Please update as soon as possible. Thank you and greetings to everyone from Rellusion...More
Works with various AI Plugins *For realistic voice overs that can change sound, ambience, *Visual Director/Emulator: Uses Visuals, Descriptions, Content Tags, scale, rotation, position to assist and or direct AI...More