Selecting the Project Track to Insert Frames in the Project will insert frames, but only one Track (not sure related to which logic) is shifted after the cursor position. All other tracks are not moved, which makes the feature unusable. The exact same operation works as expected in IClone...More
I just purchased and installed iclone 8 today, however when I opened it the first time I noticed the gizmo quickly drifts away from the camera view, as I checked objects in the scene, it turned out the default cemra is moving, and also everything else in the scene including the lights are keep...More
I have saved a large number of my RLContent installers. Note that I have renamed the RLContent installers to identify the content which is being installed. (Don't think this causes any problem). Many of my saved content installers don't execute at all. Others execute but only recognize Cartoon...More
I created a custom character with attached accessory and resized it in iClone7. When I open the saved project file in 8, the position of the objects attached to the character is completely broken. I tried saving it as iAvatar and calling it as such in IC8, but it doesn't change the end result...More
After installing Iclone 8 and CC4 the computer will randomly shut down, could be 30 min could be 45 min. I don't have to be doing the same thing for it to happen. It did it a couple of times while installing content. Its done it when exporting a character from CC 4 to Iclone and its done it...More
I am struggling with the thumb issue since iClone 7 in my mocaps and I only face this with reallsion softwares! I hoped this would be fixed in iClone 8! I don't want to fix the thumb manually every time I mocap! I have the Perception Neuron Studio with the gloves here....More
Regardless of what scaling setting / compatibility setting I use, iClone's dockable areas take up too much of the screen when at 4K resolution, even when they prevent me from shrinking them any further. I have tested setting my Windows DPI scaling down from its recommended 250% to 100% and...More
iClone 8 show me an error when I try to enable physics to props (in this case, imported props from iClone 7). The prop I used is from my own RL Marketplace ( )...More