The motion clip and its encased keys is flattened before they are saved as a motion file (*.iMotionPlus) for Non-Human avatars. Therefore, when i apply the saved motion clip file back on to a character, the encased keys is missing (because they are completely merged into the clip before the...More
Hi there! I've experienced an unusual bug a couple of times when animating characters in iClone 7.2 Sometimes when I load the character into a scene, or just at random when I put the character through a walk or run animation, one or both of the character's feet (and legs) will suddenly flip...More
Hi just thought that since iClone 7 is a real time graphics engine, that if it were possible, it would be great to have Nvidia's hairworks system built in, with perhaps a hair system like maya's xgen, to get life like flowing animated hair. What do you think ? here's their promo vid https:...More
Hi, I would like to mention a problem about Motion Puppet. Whatever I do, whichever walk or character I choose, the subject always slides his/her left foot a little while his/her right foot remains steady. I mentioned the problem in the Forums at:
This issue directly relates to Issue 3710 (status Released): I stated 2 problems back then: 1. Follow path. I got word it will be fixed in the next release. No need to worry :)...More
I spent all day trying to get a simple spring physics to work in 7.3, but it just wouldn't work. I rolled back to iClone 6 and it works great! I tried a few different setups, but here's one that I duplicated which would not work in 7.3:
When using final render option the HDRI glare effects are not rending ( for either to file or video ) -- Rendering from the view port works... Nvidia drivers up to date - this started after updating to the last Iclone 7.3 patch from last week....More
im trying to connect my xbox 360 kinent mocap plugin to iclone 7 but everything i've looked up on this does not work, i have all the programs they all work what im i donig wrong??? in all the manuals it shows me menus i don't have in the program, i need help with this....More
Hi, I am using iClone 7.22 german and I decided to get back to some old files to rerender them. to my disbelief now my main female character has severe render problems regarding the hair. In previous renders her hair in animation was rendered pretty well and suddenly I can see through layers...More
However, while all the morphs come over to 3DXchange, none are "Set" in the Expression Editor (except for the head and eye movements that 3DXchange creates automatically). I have to manually Set all Visemes, Muscles, etc. Steps to reproduce 1. Add Genesis3_Female_iCloneFaceKey.duf to Genesis...More