Steps I took to accomplish this look: 1. Male Photos taken from Samsung S4 phone using the HDR setting. 2. Downloaded the male photos taken to Mac Hard drive....More
Recently bought the crazy talk pipeline and the output far below expectation. When working on the crazy app, the character almost resembles the photo, once exported to Iclone and apply to CC1 character, there is no similarity with the face created on Crazy talk. Please advise why this is happening...More
Hi there, using the lip editor and show voice is causing severe slowness whilst editing. its practically unusable. 10-30 second of lag spikes. the video is a 4 min i have tried splitting it up into 1 minute chunks but the lag is still there. i have a decent system 16gb of ram and nvidia 1060...More
I just bought Crazytalk 8 yesterday, Sept 26, 2018. When running the program, it repeatedly crashes when trying to record my voice. Would you please help me with this issue. I am using v8.13.3615.1...More
I am re-installing Crazytalk on a new desktop. I have purchased the 10-pack business heads. I have installed Crazytalk successfully. I believe I have installed the business heads correctly. The business heads do not appear automatically in Crazytalk. I have searched the net. I would...More
I purchased the program to find out it is outdated, Crazy talk 7. Can not send to customer service and not happy I have an old version and need to pay for the current version. The recording part of the program does not work. Crashes and drop sample rate sounds like shit. All the prerecorded...More