Desafortunadamente, me encontré con la noticia de que "El contenido de Crazy Talk ya no estará disponible para la venta después del 31 de diciembre de 2023". Sin embargo, considero que este es el momento perfecto para destacar y respaldar este maravilloso programa. Crazy Talk ofrece un conjunto...More
Guten Tag, da ich nach langer Krankheit nun mit einem neuen Rechner wieder mit Crazy Talk aktiv werden wollte, musste ich leider feststellen, dass das Deaktivieren meiner alten Lizenzen nicht mehr möglich ist. Gibt es hierzu eine Alternative. Da meine damals hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse auch...More
I can open a new 2D model. Upload an image. The new image editing window will open. Then it continues with the automatic setting of the anchor point. When I select a point, the window closes and I have to start a new one. But the error occurs every time I try again. At the latest in the next...More
In the past five years, there has been an explosion of avatar use on websites, instructional videos, social media, etc. All of these platforms require either a talking head or talking full body. They do not require the full 3D motion (running, jumping, shooting etc.). There are a growing...More
It would be a handy tool to quickly convert sketches to realism. Users maybe asked to replicate reflective mark or just a symbol within a circle or enclosed shape, it could help AI to identify eyes....More
Crazy Talk 8 won't install on Mac Monterey. Installer encounters an error immediately and locks up. I see that this is a common issue but can't find an answer....More
The tool bar on the software is very small and difficult to read. The icons and the descriptive wording next to the icons overlap. I don't see where or how to correct this problem. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks, Pat...More