I sent this already with picture but never got a reply. The demarkations are far away from the true eyes of my character. Upon moving them it pulls the flesh so far it is totally disorted. I tried to click all the different colours green, blue to move but they are stuck....More
Dear RL Team. There seems to be a bug when importing CC2 iAvatars into CT8 Pipeline. After dragging&dropping the iAvatar file into CT8 it is not possible to apply Cloth or Actor Styles to the character. The mesh disappears as you can see from the attached screenshots. There is also a problem...More
CC3 iAvatar cannot be loaded in crazytalk. :( this is very annoying. Note: My workflow want to be cc3 iAvatar -> crazytalk 8 to create tts, rlTalk etc. I know I can go back to cc1 then do it but that's out cause I only use cc3 toons to game ready character. Having the same character in cc1...More
not clear how to delete recorded audio from a character once it has been saved. click on timeline then delete but nothing happens. no advice found through key word search in manual. please advise. TY...More
When CrazyTalk starts there's this Sign Up Now dialog, I respond "no thank you" and it keeps showing up every time I start CrazyTalk. There's no checkbox to disable Show at Startup like on the following Demo, Training, Content, Update menu dialog. How do I get this to go away?...More
Use Kinect or/and intel realsense cameras to capture and fit the head automatically. This could then be used in iclone/character creator or Crazytalk animator too....More
The Business Avatars Vol.1 cannot be installed. The following error message appears during the installation: "This version of CrazyTalk no longer support the data format in this add-on pack, it will not be installed" (See attached screenshot)....More
Hi, during Fall 2019 macOS 10.15 will be released and all the 32-bit applications won't be working anymore. Could you please update your app 'CrazyTalk v7' in order to be compatible with this new 64-bit policy? I will appreciate that. Thank you....More